The term technical documentation covers a wide range of informational components, aimed at a variety of different audiences, that describe a product or service.
Whether a straightfoward user guide, a thought-provoking white paper, context-sensitive embedded online help, step-by-step installation guide, an API guide, or an architectural overview: technical documentation is a vital element of good quality software.
All too often, documentation is an afterthought: something tacked on to the end of a project for the purposes of box-ticking. However, a product is not complete without a suitable document set with which to compliment it. Incomplete or missing instructions will almost always result in user frustration, will often lead to the reporting of false defects, and can sometimes cause catastrophic loss of data due to misuse. This puts undue load on support teams - load which could be reduced to a minimum.
Technical documentation should also be elegant and easy on the eye. It should be easy to pick up and read: logical in layout and structure.
The documentation process ideally begins with the conception of a product, and evolves alongside it. It can be an effective method of knowledge transfer, and when delivered as part of a software package, it ensures the best possible user experience.
I work alongside your software development team to advise and implement the best and most practical documentation solution for your individual situation.