Software requires more than just code to be successful. Bugs must be detected and fixed before the product is shipped. The user experience must be optimized for the intended audience.
Software also needs user documentation to make it complete. Each function should be described in detail allowing users to work with the software independently, to keep support costs down.
Documentation requires dedicated resource. Developers must focus on writing code (what they do best). With the current economic situation, it may not be practical to hire full time technical writers as employees.
Outsourcing your documentation production to a highly experienced, multi-disciplined technical writer, who is used to working remotely, allows you to meet your deadlines and deliver a complete software product, without compromise.
As long as we small businesses and service providers do not allow this entropy in corporate, globalized customer service to influence us, as long as we retain that personal one-to-one touch, then there will always be space for us in any market sector. Read more...